miércoles, 23 de octubre de 2013

Cuidado con Adsense Watchdog, Zombiestat, Vampirestat, Villainstat and Uglystat Blog Traffic

Bloggers si observamos las estadisticas de trafico de nuestro blog, cada vez mas nos encontramos con visitas de fuentes extrañas. 
Mantego el articulo en ingles, como lo he encontrado. 
Fuente: http://thethankfulmomandwife.blogspot.com.es/2013/03/bloggers-beware-of-adsense-watchdog.html

Hay que tener cuidado con las siguientes:

Adsense Watchdog, Zombiestat, Vampirestat, Villainstat and Uglystat Blog Traffic

"If you have a blog and check to see where the traffic to your blog originates, you may notice traffic from websites called Vampirestat.com, Adsensewatchdog.com, Villainstat.com, Uglystat.com and/or Zombiestat.com. First off, don't click on them to find out why they are sending you traffic.

Neither Adsensewatchdog, nor any of these others have anything whatsoever to do with Google or Google AdSense and are essentially spam sites that use automated traffic to blogs to attract clicks to their own sites from blog owners such as you. Once you're at their site, at a minimum, you'll be fed ads. At worst, you might fall victim to malevolent code that seeks to infect your computer with who knows what (although I haven't verified that these particular sites are seeking to plant anything on your machine)." 

This information is from SpamSpoiler.blogspot.com
READ the rest of this article plus many informative comments at

He buscado en otros lugares y el que lo explica de forma mas corta es el siguiente Foro:
Esta son respuestas a la pregunta: What is Adsense Watchdog (adsensewatchdog.com)

These are not real visitors and are called referrer spam and are not harmful to your traffic or adsense account but you should not click on or visit those links because sometimes they could link to virus websites. They also bear no relation to Google adsense.
Some other fake links that show up in traffic stats in addition to  Adsense Watchdog, Zombiestat, Vampirestat, Villainstat and Uglystat. If you see any other one in your statistics, please mention it here.
And whatever you do, dont click on the link. This is what happened to someone who did (I found this comment on the first link I gave above):

"i am an idiot. before researching i had clicked on a few of the links from my computer. i got a really scary virus called BANKER.psw6. This is an identity theft trojan and is a b**** to get rid of. This virus will also re-direct searches to volatile websites designed to steal more information from the user. Requires manually going into your registry to get rid of it, uninstalling/reinstalling browser and sometimes a reformat. Pretty sure Zombiestat was the culprit since I mostly use my computer for school, blogging and Facebook. I don't really use it to visit very many other sites. Very scary! "

Fuente: http://ng2g.com/getting-traffic-and-list-building/what-is-adsense-watchdog-(adsensewatchdog-com)/

1 comentario:

  1. Wow, thanks to this tutorial, I have the info needed for my blog. Finally made it, yeah!
    noticias tecnologia
