sábado, 2 de abril de 2022

Keyboard Navigable (oracle)

Es un hilo de preguntas, la pregunta que inicia la conversación es:

In Oracle Forms, we have an item property called "keyboard navigable" to enable or disable navigation to an item without the need to use the mouse.

In Apex, I did not find something like that. I need to be able to navigate to select lists using only the keyboard. Is it possible?

A lo que le responden: 


The HTML tabindex attribute can be used to control tab navigation order in a form or page, and the accesskey attribute to specify a shortcut/accelerator key that sets focus directly to an element.



In APEX you can set these attributes using the HTML Form Element Attributes item property, or the p_attributes parameter in APEX_ITEM API calls.

If you opt to use tabindex and are using one of the built-in themes, you probably want to remove the invalid tabindex="999" attributes from the label templates.


You can reproduce it at:



If you try to edit customers, you will see the problem.

I hope it's not related to the theme....

Thanks for the attention


Artículo:  "Keyboard Navigable" Publicado en https://community.oracle.com/ Por CInglez el 26 ago 2010. Consultado el 28/02/2022.

URL: https://community.oracle.com/tech/developers/discussion/1065564/keyboard-navigable

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