martes, 15 de noviembre de 2022

DBMS_ASSERT (de Oracle)

Enlace de documentación de oracle:

This chapter contains the following topics:


Operational Notes

Summary of DBMS_ASSERT Subprograms


Operational Notes

domingo, 13 de noviembre de 2022

PL/SQL Dynamic SQL (de Oracle)

 Enlace al capitulo de SQL dinámico:

Dynamic SQL is a programming methodology for generating and running SQL statements at run time.

It is useful when writing general-purpose and flexible programs like ad hoc query systems, when writing programs that must run database definition language (DDL) statements, or when you do not know at compile time the full text of a SQL statement or the number or data types of its input and output variables.

sábado, 12 de noviembre de 2022

SQL Dinámico y Sentencias DDL en PL/SQL

 Tiene los contenidos:


• Sentencias DDL y PL/SQL.

• SQL Dinámico.

SQL Dinámico Nativo.


 -Sentencias OPEN-FOR, FETCH y CLOSE

Package DBMS_SQL.

• SQL Dinámico Nativo vs Package DBMS_SQL.

miércoles, 9 de noviembre de 2022

Neuromarketing: Embudo de ventas lanzamiento de 4 videos.

Vídeo que te cuenta sobre Neuromarketing: Embudo de ventas lanzamiento de 4 videos


Título: "Me INFILTRO en el Nuevo Workshop de Josef Ajram" 


domingo, 6 de noviembre de 2022

Timos bancarios

Vídeo que te cuenta sobre timos bancarios.


Título: "¡TEN CUIDADO CON ESTE TIMO!... Y sé precavido con las IMÁGENES DE BEGOÑA" 


sábado, 5 de noviembre de 2022

DBMS_SQL Package

The DBMS_SQL package allows for precise control over the fetch and processing of rows.  The SQL can be completed programmatically and submitted for parsing.  The key words here are ‘submitted for parsing’; you can force a hard parse upon any SQL using this package.

You can use this to share cursors as well.  Maybe content for another article, but there is overhead in opening and closing cursors.  Implicit cursors (where you just do a ‘select into’ perhaps) do the open/parse/fetch/close and if you are populating variables this way, you are causing a lot of CPU time for your apps.

Opening a cursor and using the DBMS_SQL.Parse command to process different SQL keeps these cursors open and avoids the costly overhead of quickly opening and closing dozens of cursors.

viernes, 4 de noviembre de 2022

Ejemplos de PL/SQL dbms_sql bind_variable

The bind variables supplied to a dynamic query performing any DML operation needs to use the BIND_VARIABLE procedure from the DBMS_SQL package. When this dynamic query is executed, the bind values supplied through this procedure will be used in the placeholders.

The prototype for defining the BIND_VARIABLE procedure is shown below,

BIND_VARIABLE(<Cursor_ID>, <Placeholder_name>, <Variable | Value>);