martes, 15 de noviembre de 2022

DBMS_ASSERT (de Oracle)

Enlace de documentación de oracle:

This chapter contains the following topics:


Operational Notes

Summary of DBMS_ASSERT Subprograms


Operational Notes

Operational Notes

If the condition which determines the property asserted in a function is not met then a value error is raised. Otherwise the input value is returned through the return value. Most functions return the value unchanged, however, several functions modify the value.

Summary of DBMS_ASSERT Subprograms

Table 28-1 DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO Package Subprograms

Subprogram         Description

---------------------------                            ---------------------------------------

ENQUOTE_LITERAL Function Enquotes a string literal

ENQUOTE_NAME Function Encloses a name in double quotes

NOOP Functions         Returns the value without any checking

QUALIFIED_SQL_NAME Function Verifies that the input string is a qualified SQL name

SCHEMA_NAME Function Verifies that the input string is an existing schema name

SIMPLE_SQL_NAME Function Verifies that the input string is a simple SQL name

SQL_OBJECT_NAME Function Verifies that the input parameter string is a qualified SQL identifier of an existing SQL object



Artículo:   "28 DBMS_ASSERT" Publicado en Consultado el 06/11/2022.


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