lunes, 2 de septiembre de 2019

Guía básica sobre Canonical Tags

El siguiente articulo es una pequeña guia, con imagenes, sobre las canonical tags.

Texto artículo:
Looking to learn what canonical tags are, and how to use them to avoid dreaded duplicate content issues?
Canonical tags are nothing new. They’re been around since 2009—the best part of a decade.

Google, Microsoft and Yahoo united to create them. Their aim? To provide website owners with a way to solve duplicate content issues quickly and easily.

Do they work? Yes, perfectly… but only if you know how to use them!

In this guide, you’ll learn:

What a canonical tag
What a canonical tag looks like
Why canonical tags are important for SEO
How to implement canonical tags
How to avoid common canonicalization mistakes
How to find and fix canonicalization issues

What is a canonical tag?
A canonical tag is a snippet of HTML code that defines the main version for duplicate, near-duplicate and similar pages. In other words, if you have the same or similar content available under different URLs, you can use canonical tags to specify which version is the main one and thus, should be indexed.

Continuar viendo en el blog original.

Artículo: "Canonical Tags: A Simple Guide for Beginners" Publicado en POR Joshua Hardwick el 18/07/2019.

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